27th InternationalWorkshop on Smart Antennas
March 17–19, 2024 | Dresden, Germany

The 27th International Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2024) provides a forum for presenting the most recent research on smart antennas and related theoretical and technical aspects in modern wireless communication systems. The objective is to continue, accelerate, and broaden the momentum already gained through a series of workshops which started in 1996.

We very much look forward to your participation!

For any questions regarding the conference, please contact wsa2024@tu-dresden.de.

Presented by and hosted at

TU Dresden

Co-Sponsorship by

IEEEIEEE Communications Society5G Lab Germany


Rohde & Schwarz


NI (now part of Emerson)

Are you interested in becoming a patron? Check out our Patronage Brochure.


Download the Call for Papers as PDF file.

The conference comprises both oral and poster presentations. All accepted papers must be presented in-person at the conference. Exceptions may be granted by the General Chairs prior to the event. We reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including publication in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.

Papers can be submitted in extended abstract form (at least 2 pages, A4 format), with sufficient detail to allow the review. Camera-ready papers are limited to a maximum of 8 pages, A4, two-column IEEE conference format. Page numbers, headers and footers are not allowed. All fonts have to be embedded in the PDF file. LaTeX users should ensure to use IEEEtran style in conference and comsoc mode. Please refer to the IEEE Manuscript Template for Conference Proceedings guidelines when formatting both the initial and the final camera-ready submission. The final manuscript must be certified by IEEE PDF eXpress.

Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and we will take action against any author who engages in either practice. For more information, please refer to the IEEE Policy on Plagiarism and the IEEE Policy on Double Submission.

All papers must be submitted in PDF via EDAS.

Instructions for Final Manuscript Submission

Please make sure to complete all the steps for the final manuscript submission before the deadline of February 11, 2024.

No paper will be published without the submitted IEEE Copyright Form or registration to the conference.

For your convenience, the copyright form is made available digitally through EDAS. To access the IEEE eCopyright Form, click the "Add" icon in the "Copyright" row within your paper record. Please use the booking number from Eventbrite as registration code in EDAS and specify who will be presenting the paper in the "Presented by" row. Click that "Add" icon and select the presenter.

The final manuscript of your paper should account for all the critical reviewers' feedback.

The final manuscript has to be uploaded as PDF file and must meet IEEE requirements. This includes checking the file format and the margins, and ensuring that all fonts are embedded. The PDF file must not contain form fields, scanned images, bookmarks, cross-references or hyperlinks. Please do not use LaTeX packages such as hyperref.

Please use IEEE PDF eXpress to check and convert the final manuscript of your paper for IEEE Xplore compliance before submitting it through EDAS. Log in at https://ieee-pdf-express.org/ and enter 61681X for the Conference ID. If you use IEEE PDF eXpress for the first time, please go to https://ieee-pdf-express.org/account/signup/. In both cases follow the given instructions for the next steps. You will receive an e-mail with the checked and converted PDF file attached. The e-mail will show if your PDF file passed or failed. If the PDF file passed the check, you can proceed to upload the converted PDF file in EDAS.

For questions regarding IEEE PDF eXpress, you can contact the Publication Support Center.
Please ensure to quote your abstract ID from IEEE PDF eXpress in all correspondence.


Note: Online registration is not available anymore.


Last Minute / On-Site
650 €
725 €
800 €
Participant (Non-Author)
600 €
675 €
750 €
Full-Time Student*
250 €
300 €
350 €
Social Event only**
100 €
100 €
100 €

Prices including 19% VAT.

All ticket categories (except for "Social Event only") include the participation in the full conference at TU Dresden from March 17 to March 19, coffee breaks and lunch catering, and the participation in the welcome reception on Sunday evening (March 17) and the social event on Monday evening (March 18) at Schloss Albrechtsberg.

* An enrollment certificate is required. Scientific employees cannot register in this category and will have to pay full prices.

** Includes only the participation in the social event on Monday evening (March 18) at Schloss Albrechtsberg.

Registration Deadlines

  • Standard: February 23, 2024 (12:00 CEST)
  • Late: March 14, 2024 (12:00 CEST)
  • Last Minute / On-Site: March 17, 2024 (12:00 CEST)


  • Extended Abstract Submission
    (final extended deadline):

    November 5, 2023
    November 27, 2023
    December 8, 2023
  • Acceptance Notification: January 19, 2024
  • Camera-Ready Paper Submission: February 11, 2024


WSA 2024 will feature an interactive exhibition space where demonstrators such as wireless simulation tools, testbeds and prototypes will be presented. We are glad to welcome the following exhibitors to the conference:

Universität der Bundeswehr MünchenFraunhofer IISRohde & Schwarz
6GEMBarkhausen Institut


Download the program at a glance.

Download the conference handbook.

Show the program in detail.

Social Program

  • Welcome Reception: Sunday, March 17, 18:00 at Heinz Schönfeld Lecture Hall, TU Dresden
  • Social Event: Monday, March 18, 19:00 at Schloss Albrechtsberg, Dresden

Invited Speakers

To be announced soon.

Dr. Fayçal Aït Aoudia
Click for
Dr. Fayçal Aït AoudiaDr. Fayçal Aït Aoudia
Senior Research Scientist
Prof. Arsenia Chorti
Click for
Prof. Arsenia ChortiProf. Arsenia Chorti
Dr. Antonio De Domenico
Click for
Dr. Antonio De DomenicoDr. Antonio De Domenico
Senior Researcher
Prof. Frank Fitzek
Click for
Prof. Frank FitzekProf. Frank Fitzek
TU Dresden
Dr. Philipp Gentner
Click for
Dr. Philipp GentnerDr. Philipp Gentner
Ericsson Antenna Systems
Senior Researcher
Raimon Göritz
Click for
Raimon GöritzRaimon Göritz
Rohde & Schwarz
Senior Development Expert
Dr. Bho Matthiesen
Click for
Dr. Bho MatthiesenDr. Bho Matthiesen
University of Bremen
Research Group Leader
Dr. Michael Meyer
Click for
Dr. Michael MeyerDr. Michael Meyer
Ericsson Eurolab
Head of Research
Prof. Aydin Sezgin
Click for
Prof. Aydin SezginProf. Aydin Sezgin
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Prof. Slawomir Stanczak
Click for
Prof. Slawomir StanczakProf. Slawomir Stanczak
TU Berlin / Fraunhofer HHI
Dr. Luca Steinweg
Click for
Dr. Luca SteinwegDr. Luca Steinweg
Rohde & Schwarz
Antenna Architect
Dr. Stefan Wesemann
Click for
Dr. Stefan WesemannDr. Stefan Wesemann
Nokia Bell Labs
Head Transceiver Research
Lukas Witte
Click for
Lukas WitteLukas Witte
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Research Associate


Conference Venue: Barkhausen Building, TU Dresden

Schönfeld Lecture Hall, TU Dresden
Venue: Heinz Schönfeld Lecture Hall, Barkhausen Building
Schloss Albrechtsberg
Social Event: Schloss Albrechtsberg, Dresden

Accommodation: find a hotel via hrs.com or booking.com


Prof. Dr. Rafael F. Schaefer
Prof. Dr. Rafael F. Schaefer
TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Gerhard P. Fettweis
Prof. Dr. Gerhard P. Fettweis
TU Dresden /
Barkhausen Institut
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Utschick
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Utschick
TU Munich
Prof. Dr. Josef Nossek
Prof. Dr. Josef Nossek
TU Munich
Prof. Dr. Peter Rost
Prof. Dr. Peter Rost
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Prof. Dr. Norman Franchi
Prof. Dr. Norman Franchi
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Dr. Martin Mittelbach
Dr. Martin Mittelbach
TU Dresden
Daniel Seifert
Daniel Seifert
TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Onur Günlü
Prof. Dr. Onur Günlü
Linköping University
Dr. Rico Radeke
Dr. Rico Radeke
TU Dresden /
5G Lab Germany
Thomas Uhle
Thomas Uhle
TU Dresden

TPC Members